Top 3 Non-Projectile Weapons

In the fight against the undead, weapons born in the modern era will only have a small hand in the war. To triumph, we will have to take a page from our ancestors who have fought the undead centuries and generations before us. Not discounting the value of a good firearm, there are other weapons commonly available that can be used against the coming tides of death.

First, guns, bombs, and other projectile weaponry can be effective tools, yet they can only do so much since they have an innate disadvantage: quantity of ammunition. Once the ammo is gone it can no longer be used, except as a heavy club. In these situations one will come to rely on a more non-traditional weapon. Here are our top three selections (not in any particular order):

Blunt Weapons
In hand to hand combat blunt weapons may be the most idiot-proof design in regards to how to kill a zombie. There is no finesse, no skill, you simply beat the zombie’s rotten skull in until its brains run out of its ears. Bats and clubs are easily found in any area of the world, crowbars as are readily accessible and obtainable. Wooden instruments can even be manufactured by a person on the move. A staff should also be considered since it gives a person a longer reach and can be used as a probe when walking in high grass, a staff can also have a spear point mounted on one end or a metal club head for increased striking power. Blunt weapons are also available in a tight spot, such as the legs off of a table or other pieces of furniture, yard tools, and the like.

Edged Weapons
Knives and swords are often considered to be the first on the list of close combat weapons. If the club is brawn and balls then the sword is the sleek aristocrat, elegant and sexy. One problem with a sword is that they can take a great deal of training to become effective with them and in the hands of an amateur they are likely a greater danger to the user than the zombie. Remember: decapitation is the only way to go, though braining the ghoul will work as well. Some popular edged weapons include, but are not limited to a katana, axes, and machetes. Knives are a must, if for no other reason than the pure usefulness. A knife can be used in dozens of everyday applications, pry tool, finger nail cleaner, eating utensil, and more. If one has to choose, the numbers are humbling but remember that when dealing with zombies serrated edges are useless since they will only get caught in the skull. A short blade, under six inches, will likely be too short. Six inches and over is recommended if for no other reason than if you have to strike from under the chin of the zombie and go through the mouth into the brainpan, not recommended but in a pinch, it will do.

Fire is a tricky area as you need to be completely aware of your surroundings in order to most effectively use this tool. It has been documented that while flames will not instantly kill the undead, it offers with it a distinct level of distraction. While the zombie, who is clumsy, attempts to adjust to the new “temperature”, you can flee. If not, the brain of the zombie, or other body parts, will burn to the point where they cannot be used, thus eliminating the threat. Beware aware of your surroundings! You might be in a highly flammable area, or even in a building with functioning fire sprinklers. Fire is not always the best option, but one that works nonetheless.

With any weapon that you choose there are things that you must remember. First, the weapon does not make you (insert name of legendary fighter here) and you can be over whelmed and killed. Secondly, to be effective with the weapon you must know its limits as well as your own; in other words train with the weapon to where you know it like yourself. Third, do not get attached to it, the weapons may break, get lost in battle, or stuck in a zombie and need to be left behind. Carrying more than one weapon is not solely a recommendation, but requirement for survival.

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