Sex and the Zombie

Moviemakers have a lot to answer for when it comes to the general acceptance of the existence of zombies. There is a general base knowledge of zombies and what they are and how they operate. Some movies take a slightly different view on some of the mechanisms, but not many have gone as far into wild fantasy as Neil Marshall wants to go.

The guy hasn’t done a lot of movies, but I’m told Dog Soldiers is great, and I’ve seen The Descent which in my opinion is one of the best horror movies ever made, so he is a very capable, if some what inexperienced director/writer.

To be honest, I’d love to see him do a zombie movie, and he does have plans to do one set on a North Sea Oil Rig. Sheer genius. I can’t think of a better location to do a tight, claustrophobic zombie horror. But the guy goes one step too far according to bloody disgusting he’s ‘devising a zombie sex scene that will be quite unique.’

I’m sorry, run that past me again; ‘devising a zombie sex scene that will be quite unique.’

Unique is one word for it, bloody ridiculous is another. Lets think about this for a minute. Zombies are re-animated dead people with no function other that a rabid desire to eat flesh/brains. Hampered by server deficiency in their motor skills with no knowledge of their past life.

But hey, have an outbreak on an oil rig, where I dare say there wouldn’t be too many women, and all of a sudden zombies have a sex drive!

Please Neil, naked zombies with rotting flesh might be ok, but not sex infused zombie orgies.

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